Theologians’ Corner – Sept 2024: Year of Hope

OLM Theologians’ Corner22 Sept 2024Twenty-five of us met in the parish rooms for the first post-summer Theologians’ Corner. Father Alex led the meeting and we talked about the Jubilee Year […]
OLM Theologians’ Corner22 Sept 2024Twenty-five of us met in the parish rooms for the first post-summer Theologians’ Corner. Father Alex led the meeting and we talked about the Jubilee Year […]
Being a greeter means you have the opportunity to welcome our parish family to Mass on Sunday. Everyone is
pleased to see a smiling, friendly face when they arrive.
The OLM Youth Ministry is made up of recently confirmed young boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 18. It is aimed at offering practical formation and building a solid spiritual foundation among young people, which is obtained from a personal encounter with God in his Word.
We are proud to be a child friendly parish and seek to instruct our students in the Catholic Faith, preparing them to be active and caring members of the community. Our Religious Education program is intimately linked to our Sunday Eucharist, and our children take an active part in parish life by participating in Mass, charitable activities, and fellowship.
The OLM Adult Faith Exploration Group meets after mass to explore faith related topics. We take a deep look to see how the topic has been seen throughout the Church’s history. We also broaden our view by exploring Jewish and Orthodox views and positions on these topics.
We will restart in September 2021
OLM has been offering Spanish classes for foreigners for more than ten years. After the stoppage due to the pandemic, we hope to restart in September – Ignacio
There are so many ways you can help OLM . If you are thinking of giving some of your time to the church, these ideas might interest you:
The Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the Mass (con)celebrant(s) (the ordained clergy) in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. They can also take the Eucharist to sick persons or shut ins who are not able to attend Mass.
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program is a faith formation class for non-Catholic adults who are thinking about embracing the Catholic faith. This study and discernment process at OLM can last from one to two years, depending on the candidate´s preparedness and background. The class is also open to any already- Catholic adult who wants to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The power of prayer is infinite. And more so now, amid this global pandemic, we need God’s help.
Join the Prayer Group Online on the last Tuesday of each month at 08:00 PM CET
You can send your prayer requests via email
to Judy MacInnes
Prayer intentions will be kept anonymous on request.