I imagine you are also very busy but this email is to help those of you who make donations and qualify for a tax dedecuction!
So, Elke has written everything clearly below.
I just want to say THANK YOU to those who have made bank transfers during our time of need this COVID crisis. You ahve kept us going and I pray that God rewards you!!!!!!
Those who know me know I do not want to speak about finances at church any more. I always reduce the financial responsibility message to an easy example. We pay a monthly minimum to our telephone company, Gas company, or electricity company whether we use a little or a lot. Doesn’t our church deserve the same consideration?
Also, as of this writing we are only at 111 people, and we have room for 200 at Christmas eve at 5:00 PM. If interested, write brian (not Fr. Ron) at rsvp@ourladyofmercy.info
Here is the annual reminder for first time donours. With very grateful hearts, Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Annual reminder from your treasurer: (Elke)
As every year at this time of year, may I please ask the parishioners who donated to OLM for the first time this year and would like to have their donations registered with the Spanish Tax Authorities and who made their donations
- a) via bank transfer or envelopes or paypal AND
- b) have not been registered in the past
to please send their full name and DNI/NIE number to Elke at one.elke@gmail.com.
Full name means we need to have your name EXACTLY like it is printed on your DNI/NIE, otherwise, the system will reject the entry.
Also, if you would like your donations registered under a different name than in the past, please advise.
The donations made in 2020 will be registered in January, so I will need to receive your information no later than December 31.
Later changes cannot be considered due to considerable fines “Hacienda” imposes on our parish.
If your donations have been registered in the past- there is NO need to respond.
Thank you!
P.S.: Do not respond to this email, send a new one to: one.elke@gmail.com