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I was going to announce this yesterday but I was so moved by the Communion meditation song dedicated to Lucille’s mother that I just got lost in the moment. That is also why I didn’t joke about Louise’s birthday tomorrow either. (An OLM tradition)
On Christmas eve, the company that employed the wife of my maintenance man Santiago was fired abruptly as the company has gone under. I asked the Spanish parish if anyone knew of a job for her but I was rather disappointed by the response. (Some offered to pay as low as 3 Euros an hour). Others said they were interested for only one hour a day and she lives in Moratalaz. That would not be feasible.
Raquel is trustworthy, reliable and a very kind, sweet person. She is from Ecuador and has her legal papers. She needs a legal job. They have two children and they cannot provide adequately for them on only one salary.
Raquel’s main experience is in cleaning but she would be also be a good caregiver for toddlers or elderly. She only speaks Spanish. She needs full time work. She has only a few months of unemployment privileges. But she would rather work as soon as possible.
If you know of anything, please get in touch with Raquel at 648 515 050 or give her number to anyone interested.
We are always looking for jobs for our own parishioners as well. There is always a great need, so if you know of anything, let me or David know.
Thank you and God bless you,
Fr. Ron